Cary Band Day

Kelsey has been in color guard since 7th grade...first at the middle school and now with the Apex High School Marching Band. This year their theme was James Bond and they did a wonderful job. Each year the band's competition schedule ends with Cary Band Day where Bands from all over the SouthEast compete. Kelsey's band did an awesome job. They won first place for the parade that precedes the competition and while they didn't win any awards from the competition (and there is still controversy about that!) the kids did such an awesome job that people still talk about it. The energy coming off of that group was so intense that I can still remember what it felt like just to watch them! I can only imagine what it was like to participate in it.
Here is a picture of the Apex High Color Guard with "James Bond" before the competition began. Kelsey is in the back, third from right.